• Your Invitation to

    Stand in Your Divinity, Rooted on the Earth....Birthing a More Beautiful World


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    I invite you to ask yourself these questions.


    If I were to know that this life will come to an end in the next five years have I fully expressed what lives deep within me? Have I fulfilled on my deepest desires and longings? Did I do what I came here to do? Is there anything that I haven’t experienced that I feel as missing in my life?


    If the answer to that question is no… keep reading.


    Am I open to dissolving blocks to me living life as an expression of an innate desire to convey love for the benefit of life?


    If yes… keep reading


    Do I relish deep discovery and am I interested in mutual exploration of the nature of reality with an extraordinary group of people?


    If yes… keep reading


    Am I willing to co-create with others and participate in an out-of-the-ordinary type of experience?


    If yes… keep reading


    Who this is not for


    It is not designed for people who are beginning to explore spirituality.


    There is an expectation that you have done your own personal growth and development work, and honor punctuality, kindness, authentic communication, and respect for the boundaries of the sacred circle.



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    The intention is that you experience a deep feeling of fullness coupled with restful peace that empowers you to fulfill on your calling in a way that changes the status quo. You will extend your ability to come back to center again and again and again so that you are an even more effective vehicle for love in the world.


    In partnership with the mystical, we will delve into questions that serve our times --

    1. What are the gifts and strengths emerging through me now?
    2. How can I actively create new heart-based structures in the world without losing my balance?
    3. How can I more effectively create sanctuary for myself and others in rapidly evolving times—and have fun?

    Through your conscious participation, you will create an even deeper experiential knowing-- rather than simply believing or conceptualizing -- that you are unique and precious and yet unified with the whole.


    According to numerology, 2015 is a time of brash life energy, connection, and the power and authority to change the status quo.


    Given that, I’ve designed an offering to magnify that energy for people who are actively creating a world in which all life is honored as sacred.

    • You have been deepening your spiritual connection for years and know who are.
    • You know that the world is bigger than we perceive and that you came here to serve and do something incredibly beautiful with your life.
    • You have your feet on the ground and are successful and yet relish in the cosmic dance as we consciously evolve on the planet.
    • Your simple desire is to live up to your fullest potential as a human being and make your life even more meaningful.
    • You thrive in the company of other conscious, practical, creative, open-hearted people and can interact with authenticity.

    Choose to make 2017 the year that you consciously birth an even more aligned, holistic, balanced life guided by your inner authority -- and expand your impact in the world.

  • 2017 the year to



  • Who This is For


    This program is designed for successful people who are committed to expanding their awareness to create a better here and now - for themselves, their families, their community, and the people they serve through their businesses.


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    I invite you to ask yourself these questions.

    If I were to know that this life will come to an end in the next five years have I fully expressed what lives deep within me? Have I fulfilled on my deepest desires and longings? Did I do what I came here to do? Do I live connected to my core truth in peaceful harmony within myself and with all existence?


    If the answer to that question is no… keep reading.


    Do I relish deep discovery and am I interested in mutual exploration of the nature of reality with an extraordinary group of people?


    If yes… keep reading


    Am I open to opening up portals to other dimensions in every aspect of my life - spiritually, emotionally, physically - so that I can access my full potential and be guided by Spirit moment by moment?


    If yes....keep reading


    Am I willing to co-create with others and participate in an out-of-the-ordinary type of experience?


    If yes… keep reading


    Who this is not for


    It is not designed for people who are beginning to explore spirituality.


    There is an expectation that you have done your own personal growth and development work, and honor punctuality, kindness, authentic communication, and respect for the boundaries of the sacred circle.


    I am a social scientist with an Ivy league Ph.D. and a skeptic at heart. My session with Jana was mind-blowing. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to her abilities. It was one of the most healing, joyful hours of my life.


    Christin M., CT


    Jana Hexter is an amazing resource for anyone who is looking to create a meaningful life. Get yourself relaxed through whatever works for you - massage, yoga, meditation, a walk in nature - and then spend an hour with Jana. She has helped me open up to completely new perspectives and avenues for my life.

    Paula P., Ithaca, NY




    Thank you so much for the incredible reading today! I believe you truly reached our son's " higher self" for lack of a better term. The few other readings we had with others came through with more of his physical self. I am thinking that the soul comes through the reader at a level they are capable of understanding which leads me to believe your gift is exceptional. I believe I understand now why we were chosen to have him in this cycle and why he didn't stay long." Thank you" is inadequate to express the depth of understanding you gave us today.


    Karen & Bob, Binghamton, NY




    Working with you was a profound, transformational healing experience. 10 years ago I lost two friends in a diving accident. I did counseling, EMDR, and hypnotherapy to help me with the grief and guilt. But still, deep down something felt unresolved and a part of me felt connected to them. I didn’t know what to expect from this but was open. I was amazed at how quickly you connected to them and how spot on you were in pegging their character – it dissolved any skepticism I had going in. The deep level that you took it to was amazing. I did not expect the level of closure and emotional healing that I received from that single session. The lingering heaviness that I’ve felt for years is gone and I know that my friends are at peace.


    Laura W., Columbus, Ohio


    The intuitive session that I had with Jana was one of the most profound and awesome experiences of my life. After struggling and trying to figure out my life's purpose for years, Jana's reading confirmed a direction that I had started 3 years prior to our session. Since our meeting I've felt more clarity, connection, and ease than I have in years. I had never done anything like this before but am so happy I found Jana.


    Haley V, Ithaca NY




    I had an amazing week after our reading! So much cleared up and shifted between a relative and I. I found myself much more accepting of them on many levels and things are easy and flow now. I feel a different energy inside with more clarity and ease about many things. And a sense of peace and calm not felt in a long time. Thank you again!

    Anne S., Maryland


    Since our reading I’ve listened to the recording several times and each time I hear something new.  Really fascinating because each time it is something I NEED to hear. Love it, Love it Love it!!!   Also, much of what was shared is unveiling itself in people, circumstances and experiences. Divine Intervention!  I am so grateful for this experience!  


    Sharon N., Scottsdale, AZ


    I just wanted you to know what a wonderful experience I had working with you. I had never done anything like this before and to be honest was a little skeptical. You were wonderful, taking time at the beginning of our conversation to set me at ease. You are very warm and easy to talk to. The experience and process was amazing and set my heart at ease around my father. He passed so suddenly that there were a few things I never got to tell him or ask him about. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to reconnect with him in spirit and know he is in a better place. I believe without a doubt that connection was made because the things you shared with me during our conversation could only have come from my father! Thank you for your time and for sharing your wonderful gift with me.

    Jason C., Hawaii


    "Jana has made a tremendous impact on guest programming at the Lodge in the short time she was worked with us. Just recently, Jana’s weekend visit broke revenue records for private consultations. Her classes are well-attended and receive positive comments from our guests. She has a kind spirit and is a delight to work with!"


    Lindsey Bree, Special Programs & Events Coordinator,

    The Lodge at Woodloch

    Conde Nast Traveller 2023 Top Destination Spa in the U.S.


    What a beautiful multi-layered gift you gave me! I am astonished and intrigued with the accuracy of the message you shared. The session left me with a profound sense of acceptance, peace, and letting go of worry. I feel more grounded in myself, my work, and my family. Thanks again for a very powerful, amazing, enlightening (in every meaning) session.

    Liz Walker, Ecovillage, Ithaca



    not to the pages or preachers
    but to the smallest flower
    growing from a crack
    in your heart,
    you will hear a great song
    moving across a wide ocean
    whose water is the music
    connecting all the islands
    of the universe together,
    and touching all…
    you will feel it
    touching you
    around you...
    embracing you
    with light.
    It is in that light
    that everything lives
    and will always be alive.


    – John Squadra



    I recently heard a story that describes exactly what this program is about...so please allow me to tell you about the Jewish Angel of Conception, Lailah (meaning Night). She midwives life by bringing the soul and the seed together and then plants the seed in the womb. While gestating, Lailah places a lighted candle at the head of the unborn baby, so he or she can see the entire universe and she teaches the baby the history of his or her soul. But when the baby is born, Lailah blows out the light and gently places her finger on the baby's lip saying "Shh" making a small indentation on the upper lip. This causes the baby to forget everything learned in the womb... but the knowledge remains deep within us, waiting to be remembered. Lailah is said to watch over the child throughout life and leads her on to afterlife upon death.


    According to numerology, 2017 is a 1 year - meaning the beginning or conception. The first nine months of 2017 are a time of regeneration and gestation, a time to let the old drop away and create rich, deep, fertile soil for the new growth to come.


    Given the large-scale shift in global consciousness that is taking place and accelerating, I’ve designed an offering to magnify this energy and support you in birthing a more beautiful world. It is designed to deeply nourish and regenerate you so that you remember what you came here to do and can stand deeply rooted in your divinity able to sprout seeds of beauty and delight ~ regardless of political and societal winds.


    If the following describes you, please keep reading

    • You are committed to creating a world in which all life is honored as sacred - you may not know exactly how to do that but you're darn sure its possible and love to co-create with others who have the same vision.
    • You're intuitive and use it wisely in your work in the world - this program is designed give you a place to fill your cup.
    • You have been deepening your spiritual connection for years and know who you are.
    • You are successful in the physical world and want to bring starlight to the earth. You know that existence is bigger  and more complex than we perceive and that you came here to serve and do something incredibly beautiful with your life.
    • Your simple desire is to live up to your fullest potential and act as an agent of peace, tolerance, and joy in the world.
    • You thrive in the company of other conscious, practical, creative, open-hearted people and can interact with authenticity.

    We are being called to show up with the profoundest connection to our inner yearnings for truth, beauty, and love. This is an era of regeneration. Old structures are being challenged and will drop away and new ones are being formed. Regeneration and gestation happen in the dark - the moon is rebirthed each month in the dark phase outside of our vision, babies are gestated in a dark womb unseen by human eyes, old vegetation turns into rich, fertile compost while under the cover of darkness. The dark is also associated with capacities beyond the physical - second sight, intuition, and body transcendence.


    The dark is a beautiful and powerful space that is misunderstood in our common lexicon. It is time to deepen our awareness of the powers of the dark moon and use its wisdom for healing. In partnership with the dark moon, we will delve into questions that serve our times --


    1. How can serve more effectively in the everyday world while connected to love and peacefulness?

    2. How do I use the gifts that I brought with me in this incarnation ...with beauty?

    3. How can I work in harmony with the energies that support and surround me?

    4. What am I called to do, regardless of how I will be perceived in the world?


    In the Ithaca Dark Moon Circle, we will work with the dark moon energy to let go of what is no longer necessary so that it can compost into fertile ground, develop our intuitive senses, deeply nourish and gently regenerate, so that we emerge strong, powerfully rooted in our truth, with the endurance to birth a viable, sustainable and just world that works for everyone.


    The next few years are likely to bring challenges to things that we hold dear and we cannot turn our faces away but we can't speak out or take action from a depleted empty place. We need to be nourished, rooted, and connected and act from our sovereignty.


    This is a time when we need to hold hands with each other and all the universe has to offer.


    Choose to make 2017 the year that you consciously prepare to birth the beauty within you.


    Katie Hess, Flower Alchemist, Lotus Wei


    Laura Wieck

    Coach, Author, Speaker


    Christi Cano, Entrepreneur & Spa Consultant


    Mia Ogletree,

    Mother & Personal Trainer


    Elaine Sauer

    Spa Consultant

    Empower Your Guests

    "Jana has made a tremendous impact on guest programming at the Lodge in the short time she was worked with us. Just recently, Jana’s weekend visit broke revenue records for private consultations. Her classes are well-attended and receive positive comments from our guests. She has a kind spirit and is a delight to work with!"


    Lindsey Bree, Special Programs & Events Coordinator,

    The Lodge at Woodloch

    2016 Travel + Leisure, #6 Destination Spa in the U.S.

  • The Intention

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    Read the Scripture Written in Your Heart

    There is an ancient scripture within you that your heart knows how to read. It contains wisdom to guide you, and others, to greater fulfillment, love, and joy. You will hear that gentle whispered prayer written just for you that gives you wings.


    My intention you are deeply nourished, rooted in your truth, and left knowing yourself to be a sacred being, finding joy in sharing yourself while being sourced from a deep reservoir of peace and wisdom. You will know yourself to be guided and held, tuned in with the powers of the Universe in service of unity in the world.​

  • The Intention

    Nurture the Wisdom to Follow Your True Course

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    The intention is that you more deeply align with your Sacred Being and experience unprecedented wisdom, joy, and life energy that empowers you to fulfill on your calling in a way that changes the status quo.


    You will extend your ability to center yourself in the present moment so that you are an even more effective vehicle for love in the world. 


    You will embody the wisdom to know when to listen and when to speak, when to act and when to watch ~ the harmony of being. 


    In partnership with the mystical and an amazing group of conscious souls, we'll explore the questions of our times --

    1. How can I most effectively share my sacred gifts in the world?
    2. How can I take clear actions aligned with love-sourced purpose and feel clear guidance of what path to follow for my highest good. 
    3. What can I do to nurture and sustain harmony within myself and with others in rapidly evolving times?

    Through your conscious participation, you will create an even deeper experiential knowing-- rather than simply believing or conceptualizing -- of yourself as unique and precious and yet unified with the whole. You will feel nourished, peaceful, and guided.



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    The Dates

    Dark Moon Sacred Circles

    Saturday, January 28, 2017

    Saturday, February 25, 2017

    Thursday, March 23, 2017

    Sunday, April 23, 2017 (part of one day retreat)

    Thursday, May 18, 2017

    June - I'll be walking the Camino - we may schedule a circle at the end of the month

    Sunday, July 23, 2017 (part of one day retreat)

    Saturday, August 19, 2017

    Sunday, September 24, 2017






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    The Remote Retreats

    Nourish and Connect

    The Virtual Retreats will be held once per trimester on


    Sunday, April 23rd 11:00 am -8:00 pm EST

    Sunday, July 23rd 11:00 am -8:00 pm EST

    Sunday, September 17th 11:00 am -8:00 pm EST


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    Individual Sessions

    Claim Your Majesty

    Individual Sacred Intuitive Sessions - one per trimester - with Jana to be scheduled when it feels appropriate to you.




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    The Cost

    Early Bird Deadline: Register by January 16, 2017


    There are three options:

    1. One time payment of $1870 due by January 16th.

    2. Three trimester payments of $623 (January 16th, April 16th, July 16th).

    3. Monthly payments of $208 via paypal.


    Full Price: January 17, 2017 onwards


    There are three options:

    1. One time payment of $2360 due in January.

    2. Three trimester payments of $786 (January 25th, April 24th, July 26th).

    3. Monthly payments of $265 via paypal.


  • The Details

    October 27, 2015 - June 21, 2016

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    1:1 Readings with Jana: Three readings – one for each trimester of the program.


    Sacred Circle: Meet virtually in sacred circle at 7pm Eastern (4pm PST). The circles will be deeply nourishing and you are encouraged to attend all of them. They are designed to support your life, and given that, you may miss up to 3 circles to accommodate your schedule without compromising the integrity of the offering.


    Tuesday, October 27th

    (the November and December circle dates fall over Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and so may well adjust to align with the group's schedule)

    Sunday, November 29th

    Monday, December 28th

    Sunday, January 24th

    Monday, February 22nd

    Wednesday, March 23rd

    Friday, April 22nd

    Saturday, May 21

    Monday, June 20th


    Weekend Retreat: Transmission from the Waterfall in the Finger Lakes. Date to be determined. The course fee includes the retreat sessions. The accommodation fee will be paid directly to the retreat center.


    The Cost: $1888 one-time payment


    Payment Plan: Four payments of $488 on October 15th, November 15th, December 15th, and January 15th.

  • The Offering

    October 25-2015 - June 21st, 2016

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    Nature's Wisdom

    Live Connected with Spirit

    I live in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York - that is known for five long, deep lakes that are spread out like a hand. The Native Americans believe the Finger Lakes were the fingerprints of the Great Spirit, who reached down and, in touching the earth, transformed this land into sacred ground, blessed by Nature. 


    I agree. It's an incredibly rich natural environment with abundant waterfalls that are potent spiritual portals to multiple dimensions.


    I have a strong connection to these portals and through this program will share the wisdom of the waterfalls with you -- about living life in the flow with grace and ease; following your true course; moving around whatever appears in your path...not to reach an outcome but simply because its there for you to do.


    Even if you live in a metropolis and spend all day with 3 screens, you'll experience the freedom of connecting with nature and the powerful life force that flows within, through, and around you. 


    Soak in nature and live connected to the spiritual realm in your daily life. 

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    Three Individual Readings with Jana


    You will receive a 1:1 reading each trimester that corresponds to the seasons in the northern hemisphere – fall, winter, spring. They will be offered remotely or in person at a time that resonates with you.


    You may use the time to focus on any aspect of your life and we will journey together to explore the eternal within, and around, you. Like life, these readings are a gift that unfolds and reveals itself more deeply over time.

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    Sacred Circles

    Magical Connection

    Meet virtually in sacred circle at 7pm Eastern (4pm PST) monthly between October 2015 and June 2016. This is a powerful time to connect with your eternal being and a truly amazing group of kindred spirits.


    You are invited to attend as frequently as your heart calls you to.


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    Transmission from the Waterfalls Retreat

    Eternal Wisdom

    We will gather in sacred space for a weekend retreat with the intention of transmitting the powerful wisdom of the waterfalls and unveiling depths of unity, love, and peace within and around you.


    You are also welcome to attend in person and enjoy the exquisitely stunning beauty of the Finger Lakes Region of New York.


    The exact date will be determined by the group at the beginning of the program. 

  • Ithaca Dark Moon Circle

    Its Time to Stand in Your Divinity

    and Bring Starlight to the Ground in 2017

  • Connect

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    Phone 607-592-1941

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    A Sacred Circle Gathering in 2017


    Birth a More Beautiful World ...

    Access Guidance to Powerfully Stand Rooted in Your Divinity



    Navigate it with Grace & Ease

  • Your invitation to

    Navigate the Crossroads

    with Grace & Ease


    January 28, 2017 - September 11, 2017


    This is a nine month program because it takes nine months to gestate human life.

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    Three Individual Readings with Jana

    You will receive a 1:1 reading each trimester that corresponds to the seasons in the northern hemisphere – winter, spring, summer. They will be offered remotely or in person at a time that resonates with you.


    We will journey together to explore the eternal within, and around, you. Each reading is utterly unique and customized for you. I have the capacity to feel, see, and communicate with many levels of consciousness such as loved ones who have passed, guides, angels, your soul or higher self, and universal, eternal consciousness. I also access other incarnations and can heal issues that stem from them that are impacting your current incarnation and I can work with Spirit (with your permission) to remove and replace any beliefs that aren’t serving you. After we have framed the central question, I will open up to Spirit and follow its lead. I have come to deeply trust that Spirit gives us exactly what we need for our well-being and to deepen our capacity for clarity, peace, and joy.


    Like life, these readings are a gift that unfolds and reveals itself more deeply over time.

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    Monthly Sacred Circle Gatherings

    The circle gatherings will be magical

    Traditionally, participants of many branches of spiritual practice fix a Sacred Circle, in physical or virtual form.This space contains intentional energy and forms a setting. A Sacred Circle provides participants a forum for spiritual gathering, discussion, insight, development of intuition, collaboration and spiritual shelter.


    In my Sacred Circles I bring to this space the intuitive wisdom and voices of the spiritual beings that I channel to offer insight and guidance to the Circle as a whole, and to each individual member. As a unique bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, I provide a fresh perspective by accessing universal consciousness at a deep level


    Through individual readings and guided meditations, each participant gains valuable insight into their individual gifts and how to make best use of them.These intuitive insights enable us to personally to share with each other in the safety of the Sacred Circle, which magnifies their unique contribution to the intention of the Sacred Circle.


    Each month you are invited to gather with other kindred spirits to drink at the well and recharge. We will meet remotely via Zoom in the dark phase of the moon and invoke sacred space together to use the power of the dark moon with the intention of each person being and becoming the fullest expression of themselves in this life and contributing to the whole.


    The circles will be deeply nourishing and regenerative. We will create space so that you deepen your connection to your non-physical senses and develop an even more expanded perspective and explore the nature of separation and unity, time, space, and consciousness.


    In this group you, the real authentic you, will be fearlessly called forth … and in doing so will call others forth to bloom in both the dark and the light.

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    Transmission from the Waterfalls One-Day Remote Retreats

    Access the Portal

    I live in a place that is alive with beautiful waterfalls that are potent portals to multiple dimensions.


    We will gather in sacred space for three one-day retreats with the intention of transmitting the powerful wisdom of the waterfalls and unveiling depths of unity, love, and peace within and around you. You may attend all of them or simply one.


    You are invited to attend in person and enjoy the exquisitely stunning beauty of the Finger Lakes Region of New York if you prefer.

  • The Unattended Moment

    For most of us, there is only the unattended
    Moment, the moment in and out of time,
    The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,
    The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning
    Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply
    That it is not heard at all, but you are the music
    While the music lasts
    ~T. S. Eliot


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    I invite you to ask yourself these questions.

    • If I were to know that this life will come to an end in the next five years have I fully expressed what lives deep within me?
    • Have I fulfilled on my deepest desires and longings and spoken my deepest truths for the whole world to hear?
    • Did I do what I came here to do in this incarnation?
    • Is there anything that I haven’t experienced that I feel as missing in my life?


    If the answer to that question is no… keep reading.

    • Am I open to dissolving any blocks to my deepest and fullest expression in service to the sacredness of life?
    • Am willing to speak my truth with gentleness in the current political climate?


    If yes… keep reading

    • Is it time for me now to fly out and forward?
    • Do I relish deep discovery and am I interested in mutual exploration of the nature of reality with an extraordinary group of people?


    If yes… keep reading

    • Am I willing to re-imagine life, co-create with others and participate in an out-of-the-ordinary type of experience?


    If yes…

    • Am I willing to commit my time, energy, and resources to showing up authentically in the circle each month?


    If yes....keep reading


    This is NOT for you IF


    You are beginning to explore spirituality.


    You haven't done your own personal growth and development work\


    You aren't willing to really be in the program and take responsibility for prioritizing the circle times and retreat dates.


    You aren't familiar with, and practiced in, authentic communication and respect for the boundaries of the sacred circle.




    I recently heard a story that describes exactly what this program is about...so please allow me to tell you about the Jewish Angel of Conception, Lailah (meaning Night). She midwives life by bringing the soul and the seed together and then plants the seed in the womb. While gestating, Lailah places a lighted candle at the head of the unborn baby, so he or she can see the entire universe and she teaches the baby the history of his or her soul. But when the baby is born, Lailah blows out the light and gently places her finger on the baby's lip saying "Shh" making a small indentation on the upper lip. This causes the baby to forget everything learned in the womb... but the knowledge remains deep within us, waiting to be remembered. Lailah is said to watch over the child throughout life and leads her on to afterlife upon death.


    According to numerology, 2017 is a 1 year - meaning the beginning or conception. The first nine months of 2017 are a time of regeneration and gestation, a time to let the old drop away and create rich, deep, fertile soil for the new growth to come.


    Given the large-scale shift in consciousness that is taking place and accelerating, I’ve designed an offering to magnify this energy and support you in birthing a more beautiful world. It is designed to deeply nourish and regenerate you so that you remember what you came here to do and can stand deeply rooted in your divinity able to sprout seeds of beauty and delight ~ regardless of political and societal winds.


    If the following describes you, please keep reading

    • You are committed to creating a world in which all life is honored as sacred - you may not know exactly how to do that but you're darn sure its possible and love to co-create with others who have the same vision.
    • You're intuitive and use it wisely in your work in the world - this program is designed give you a place to fill your cup.
    • You have been deepening your spiritual connection for years and know who you are.
    • You are successful in the physical world and want to bring starlight to the earth. You know that existence is bigger and more complex than we perceive and that you came here to serve and do something incredibly beautiful with your life.
    • Your simple desire is to live up to your fullest potential and act as an agent of peace, tolerance, and joy in the world.
    • You thrive in the company of other conscious, practical, creative, open-hearted people and can interact with authenticity.

    We are being called to show up with the profoundest connection to our inner yearnings for truth, beauty, and love.


    This is an era of regeneration. Old structures are being challenged and will drop away and new ones are being formed. Regeneration and gestation happen in the dark - the moon is rebirthed each month in the dark phase outside of our vision, babies are gestated in a dark womb unseen by human eyes, old vegetation turns into rich, fertile compost while under the cover of darkness. The dark is also associated with capacities beyond the physical - second sight, intuition, and body transcendence. The dark is a beautiful and powerful space that is misunderstood in our common lexicon. It is time to deepen our awareness of the powers of the dark moon and use its wisdom for healing.


    In partnership with the dark moon, we will delve into questions that serve our times --


    1. How can serve more effectively in the everyday world while connected to love and peacefulness?

    2. How do I use the gifts that I brought with me in this incarnation ...with beauty?

    3. How can I work in harmony with the energies that support and surround me?

    4. What am I called to do, regardless of how I will be perceived in the world


    The next few years are likely to bring challenges to things that we hold dear and we cannot turn our faces away but we can't speak out or take action from a depleted empty place. We need to be nourished, rooted, and connected and act from our sovereignty.


    This is a time when we need to hold hands with each other and all the universe has to offer.


    Choose to make 2017 the year that you consciously prepare to birth the beauty within you.

  • Dark Moon: Rebirthing Beauty Circle

    I Invite You to Stand in Your Divinity

    and Bring Starlight to the Ground in 2017

  • For You

    Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time?"

    That the river is everywhere at the same time,

    at the source and at the mouth,

    at the waterfall, at the ferry,

    at the current,

    in the ocean and in the mountains,

    everywhere and that the present only exists for it,

    not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future.
    ~Hermann Hesse

  • The Unattended Moment

    For most of us, there is only the unattended
    Moment, the moment in and out of time,
    The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,
    The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning
    Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply
    That it is not heard at all, but you are the music
    While the music lasts
    ~T. S. Eliot

  • If you say YES

    If you’ve already created a list of reasons that this won’t work for you: not enough time, not enough money, afraid of what might unfold…I invite you take a few deep breaths and just listen. If a part of you is calling you here and saying yes then question whether this might be the very thing you need to make this the year you really want.


    If you say yes, these are the results that people report getting from working with me:

    • Feeling deeply rooted and knowing you are not alone. Having enduring sense of being deeply held and having allies around you.
    • Coming back to center very quickly in the face of life crises.
    • Ability to approach life with open-minded curiosity and with a heightened capacity to more easily see opportunities within setbacks
    • – less anxiety + more calm = ability to problem solve gracefully
    • Feeling calm, clear, and guided around the question of “How can I offer my skills and be of service to the world?
    • More accepting of family members and friends who have been challenging in the past – and the ability to nurture the positive aspects of those relationships
    • Have bold, loving conversations while standing in your truth
    • A peacefulness that allows you to make clear decisions, execute ideas, turn ideas into form with grace and ease.
    • Knowing that someone has your back as you grow gives you the confidence to reach further.
    • Focus and sustain energy on what matters most to you without burning out
    • Feeling free to take time for yourself and reflect before you speak.
    • Feeling deeply rooted and knowing you are not alone. Having enduring sense of being deeply held and having allies around you.
  • The Offering

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    Sacred Ritual

    Conscious Co-Creation

    We will begin with a Sacred Ritual calling in all the non-physical beings who support your life. We will ask for their support and guidance in the process and we will co-create your intention for our work together.

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    Sessions with Jana

    Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter

    Each season (aligned your menstrual cycle if you are menstruating woman) I will open sacred space with you and channel whatever wants to come through. We will open to and touch that sacred place where you feel guided, intuitive, loving, caring, and accepting. It’s always there for all of us, always. We will listen for the contribution that wants to unfold through you and learn how to manifest that in physical form. You will be lovingly held and guided throughout the process.

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    Monthly Meditations

    Monthly Recorded Transmissions from Sacred Sites

    I live in a place that is alive with beautiful waterfalls that are potent portals to multiple dimensions. Waterfalls are the embodiment of the sacred dance between Spirit and Earth.


    The rocks create a strong container for the water to flow through and the water shapes the rock formations over time resulting in stunning beauty that enchant us all.


    I live in place where I am surrounded by majestic waterfalls and will work with their energy with you through this program. Each month I will record a meditation for you based on guidance from one of these sites.

  • Who is this for

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    I invite you to ask yourself these questions

    If I were to know that this life will come to an end in the next five years have I fully expressed what lives deep within me? Have I fulfilled on my deepest desires and longings? Did I do what I came here to do? Is there anything that I haven’t experienced that I feel as missing in my life?


    If the answer to that question is no… keep reading.


    Am I open to dissolving blocks to me living life as an expression of an innate desire to convey love for the benefit of life?


    If yes… keep reading


    Do I relish deep discovery and am I interested in exploring the nature of reality?


    If yes… keep reading


    Am I willing to participate in an out-of-the-ordinary type of experience?


    If yes… keep reading


    Who this is not for

    This offering is not designed for people who are beginning to explore spirituality.


    This is designed for people who are actively embodying their gifts in service to the world. It is not designed to simply be entertainment or a service to answer questions. You are expected to understand and respect the sacredness and power of work together.


  • The Intention

    Feeling True Joy & Connection with the Eternal

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    The intention is that you experience the gift of life - knowing yourself to be a sacred being, finding joy in sharing yourself while being sourced from a deep reservoir of peace and wisdom.


    We will delve into your personal questions that you gently discern in partnership with Spirit.


    Through your conscious participation, you will be fruitfully doing your right work and create an even deeper experiential knowing-- rather than simply believing or conceptualizing -- that you are unique and precious and yet unified with the whole.


  • Give Yourself the Gift of Spaciousness....to be You

    Do you ask yourself “How do I optimize my life for service and joy and birth a more beautiful world for future generations?" If yes, I’ve designed an offering for you.

    • You have been deepening your spiritual connection for years and know who are.
    • You know that the world is bigger than we perceive and your simple desire is to live up to your fullest potential as a human being and do something incredibly beautiful with your life.
    • You know how powerful you are when you are centered in your divinity and you are looking for ways to feel that more consistently.
    • You're open to the mysteries and avenues for accessing eternal wisdom.

    Create an even more balanced life guided by your inner authority -- be rooted and free, flowing and effective.