I am really looking forward to our session together. To make sure it goes smoothly, I’d appreciate if you could take a few minutes to do the following 4 steps before our session.
First, please either
a) use one of the options via the scheduler below, or
b) if you don't see a time that works for you, please email me and we can set up a time that works for us both.
Each reading is utterly unique and customized. I have the capacity to feel, see, and communicate with many levels of consciousness such guides, angels, your soul or higher self, and universal, eternal consciousness. I also see past lives and can heal issues that stem from them that are impacting your current incarnation and I can work with Spirit (with your permission) to remove and replace any beliefs that aren’t serving you. Given that range, after we have framed the central question, I will open up to Spirit and follow its lead. I have come to deeply trust that Spirit gives us exactly what we need for our well-being and to deepen our capacity to love and be loved.
It’s helpful if you can muse about how you want to use the time. Options include (but aren’t limited to):
- Ask Spirit to help let something go and bring something in its place
- Open for guidance about any information that might be useful to bring into consciousness
- Ask for guidance about a direction or path you are thinking of pursuing
- Connecting with someone who has passed
- Ask for information about an area where you might feel stuck, frustrated, not fully empowered and shift it on an energetic level
- What would you like to feel more of after our session?
Also, I have a short video that answers common questions and describes how I work that you may find helpful. http://www.thejanachannel.com/book-a-private-session/#faq.
I ask all my clients to take 15 mins to relax and meditate or center themselves before our session in honor of the sacredness of our work together.
I prefer to use Zoom because I often use my hands or have facial expressions that are useful for you to see and I can record the session for you. Below are the links/call in #'s for zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/9453789219PASSCODE: Peace
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Meeting ID: 945 378 9219Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abL21wxlCy
Our work is sacred and requires a strong container. The stronger the container, the deeper the impact on your life. I ask that you read the following agreements.
There is really only one agreement - Honor Yourself as Sacred...We are all Expressions of One. Honoring ourselves as sacred beings has several manifestations.
1. Confidentiality: This is an absolute necessity. Everything said in our session is confidential. Please treat it all with the same sanctity and reverence you would give a newborn deer, a blossom that blooms once a year, or an ancient sacred burial ground. All recordings are strictly for your own private use.
2. Please be on time: This is simply a practice in presence and respect. I've heard that Gandhi once said "if we can be on time, we can defeat the British." I'm not out to beat anyone but its a great reminder about the power of the mastery of time.
3. Listen Deeply to Yourself: The quality and depth of experience will be affected by the degree to which you can be fully present. I ask all my clients to take some time to connect with yourself in meditation, prayer, nature etc before our session and that you allow time after the session before jumping back into every day life.
Before, during, and after the session please listen to what is true for you and be responsible for communicating what you need to thrive. Our culture trains us from an early age to not pay attention to our body's wisdom and our inner knowing. From the time that you book the session, Spirit is already working with you on your intention. Pay attention to the cues that arise and allow yourself to work with that power rather than dismiss or suppress it.
As we connect with other forms of consciousness, what wants expression may communicate through me but you may also experience aspects of the eternal that are new for you. I have learned to deeply trust the wisdom that arises within each one of us.
4. Please provide your contact information in the box below so we can keep in touch. Sometimes, I get guidance in a session to send something to a client so please provide your mailing address.
I'm really looking forward to our session. Please let me know if you have any questions in the interim.
In our souls everything
moves guided by a mysterious hand.
We know nothing of our own souls
that are ununderstandable and say nothing.The deepest words
of the wise man teach us
the same as the whistle of the wind when it blows
or the sound of the water when it is flowing.- Antonio Machado
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