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I know how to be a seeker. I’ve got some mileage on this path. And, I sometimes find unexpected strength and insight, times when I’m no longer a seeker, but a finder. Jana’s Sacred Circle has been such a finding.
The format sounded promising - a few hours per month over nine months, primarily over the internet, with other wonderful people across the country, from the comfort of my own big red armchair. Amen! No sitting in locked lotus position back ramrod straight or on my knees in penitent prayer.
Her approach has been different, completely absent of any underlying religious belief or imposed method, and without description about who or what comprises the spiritual world with which she, and we, connect.
I’ve had a freedom to truly listen and interpret my interactions and experiences with Spirit on a very personal level. They are my own and have a fit and feel that is centering, solid and comforting.
Jana has escorted me into and through a number of significant transitions with a grace and ease that would have otherwise been unsettling.
I’ve come home to myself, learned to hear the voices of Spirit in new ways and to appreciate the definite presence that is provided by my Sacred Circle.
Chris Lytle
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